Pulse Analytics


UX/UI Designer

Methods & Design

While working at Pulse Analytics I was in charge of keeping up with the UI and UX of the tool. We work in a B2B model so most of our user testing and research came from the consultants that work were directly with our clients, which were 3rd-party market access teams. 

Research Methods

  • Usability Testing - Existing
  • Business Model Canvas
  • User Interview and Affinity Mapping
  • Key Insights and Features
  • Personas
  • User Journey
  • Competitive Feature Analysis


While working on the tool, I was in charge of also creating and developing the design system. This meant that the uniformity among the tools needed to be aligned. Colors, typography, spacing, icons and more were developed in collaboration with engineers. 

Below are redacted design examples of the work done at Pulse Analytics.

Pathways Tool

Design Focus: Charts and Tables

The best way to present data to our clients was through charts and tables. We were tactful in choosing donut charts, bar charts and specific line graphs to show the relationship products have on time and population. 

Research Focus: Streamline Data

With this tool we wanted to make sure that the product we were presenting was relying enough information to the user without overwhelming them. Because Pulse Analytics is a health service, data shared can be overwhelming. In order to accommodate this, we were able to tailor the tool to a specific client and move the viewers gaze to their product by using spacing and colors throughout.

Provider Tool

Design Focus: Data Tables

Data tables were a great focus on the tool. They were mainly used when there was a large number of doctors that we wanted to showcase. This also entailed their position, what hospital they worked at and their role. These data tables were complex but I was able to design a universal data table that could be implemented on both the front-end and back-end of the tool.

Research Focus: Filtering Data

Because we were able to implement complex data tables, the ability to filter data came in different waves to best assist our clients. One example of this was whether a client wanted to see one specific data point or create a range in whatever way thy wanted. The most successful feature of this came from the research that was one in comparing a client's product to their competitor and showing the client where they stood.

Payer Tool

Design Focus: Highlighting Information

When there is a copious amount of data it can be difficult to make a desired product stand out. Within this tool we focused on showing key information about a payer by implementing color patterns, strategic spacing and conscious ordering among the data.

Research Focus: How to Best Showcase a Client's Product

The best way this was done was by creating this tool that specifically focuses on a single hospital and all the data as it relates specifically to a client. Language was thought thoroughly as we aimed to share data that would help the client plan better for their product.


Due to the sensitivity in the data that I worked with at my time at Pulse Analytics and a confidentiality agreement, I am limited in publicly sharing my work at the company. Please contact me for further information about my work.

Using Format