Event Planning Tools/Apps

“I use different platforms to communicate.”

Insight: There is no singular way people communicate.

Potential Feature: Users can have options to communicate via camera (video/photo) or through text.

Group Communication

“I mostly text.”

Insight: Texting is the best/most convenient way for users to communicate.

Potential Feature: Users can have different ways of texting within the app.

Messaging feature within the app needs to be familiar since people text a lot ((needs to be intuitive)).

Successful Planning Events

“I put more effort when planning larger events”

Insight: The bigger the event the more planning and details that are required.

Potential Feature: Streamline a simple and efficient way to plan events (ease of creating a new event/trip, multi-functions - reminders, push notifications, location integration etc).

Important Tools

“I need various features to plan an event”

Insight: People use multiple apps and features on those apps in order to create an event.

Potential Feature: Include filters, polls, etc. to the app to help users plan events.

Frequency of Planning

“I make plans regularly.”

Insight: People make plans and like having something to look forward to.

Potential Feature: Reassure the utility of the current app and validates it.

Features and Communication

“I like to personalize messages.”

Insight: People like to express themselves visually through messages.

Potential Feature: Allow users to add filters, choose themes, play with stickers when creating messages.

Group Chat Dislikes

“I dislike it in group chats when when I miss details and receive too many messages.”

Insight: Users have a difficult time following conversations in group chats.

Potential Feature: Allow users to mute chat and react to specific messages.

Communication Preference

“I use group chat to streamline communication.”

Insight: Users often use group chats to talk to their friends.

Key Feature: This reaffirms the need for the app.

Planning Frustrations

“I have to consider people’s schedules, preferences and monetary background.”

Insight: There are many pain points that go into planning an event or trip.

Key Feature: Allow for users to split their itinerary, share their interests and make notes on their finances.

Features and Planning

“I use different features like polls, video, audio, location, and images when I plan.”

Insight: Users don’t have a singular way of planning.

Key Feature: Introduce these features (polls, audio and video recording, location sharing and photos) into our app.

Planning Behaviors

“I prefer to plan events with someone else.”

Insight: Users do not like planning alone due to effort.

Key Feature: Users will be able to add friends to “admin” positions if they like.

Hardships of Planning

“I find group planning hard”

Insight: Group planning is challenging.

Potential Feature:

  • No one likes to take charge: Add Planner (admin)
  • Hard to agree on things: Poll feature
  • Friends want to do different things: Scheduling/Split itinerary 
Using Format